Monday, January 21, 2013

Final Post ;'(

Hello. The year is 1777 and I have returned to Paris, but this time it feels different. I am 83 and for the first time I’m actually welcomed with a happy smile. Instead of being viewed as a criminal, the people see me as a hero. I feel as if my days on this beautiful earth are few and quickly declining each day. I will hopefully be viewed some day as the   undisputed leader of the” Age of Enlightenment” or at least that’s what these young goons are calling it. I have suffered throughout my life from poor health. Because of my criticism of the church I hear that the day I become one with the soil I shall not be buried in church ground. I guess I’ll never actually know where I’m buried since ill be dead. Well guys this will probably be my last blog since the doctor has ordered I quit blogging & writing due to my health. Farewell guys and thanks for all your support because I’m nothing without my fans (you). Peace Out guys.
I may be old but My hair still Long..AYYY

My new Crib

Well I just wanted to apologize for not posting in a long time but I’ve been extremely busy. No need to fear because I will share with yall what’s happened so far. In 1746, I was voted into the "Academie Francaise." In 1753, I left Potsdam to return to France. It’s currently 1759, and I have recently purchased an estate called "Ferney" near the French-Swiss border. I hear they are trying to make this become the intellectual capital of Europe very soon. I have worked continuously throughout the years, producing a constant flow of books, plays and other publications. I have written over thirteen thousand letters and over one thousand books and pamphlets so far throughout my life. I am currently about to finish a very good satirical short story “Candide” which I hope to finish before this year ends. So yeah those are basically the main events that I haven’t shared with yall yet. I’m thinking about blogging some of my books to advertise them so those who haven’t read them can do so. Well until next time, Voltaire out Deuces…
Picture MTV took when they came to my Crib:)

My Love

Takin a Pic with my gurl.
It’s 1733, I’m currently 39 years old and I have met a really nice woman, Emilie. She is 28, and is living the life of an upper class Parisian woman of society. The moment we met, we both felt an instant attraction to each other. We certainly knew of each other before our first meeting due to fact we have mutual friends and acquaintances. Emilie has read Voltaire's work, attended my plays and is fond of the theater. "Everything about her is noble, her countenance, her tastes, the style of her letters, her discourses, and her politeness. … Her conversation is agreeable and interesting." We have a lot to say to each other always. "I have finally found a young woman who thinks as I do." Together we’ve studied the natural sciences and I’ve decided to try and spend many years in the country, “cultivating her mind." Well guys lets just leave it at that for now because she’s taken the words out of my mouth and has me in love.

Gettin in Trouble once again XD

What’s up fellow blog viewers it’s me Voltaire, and I’m juss keepin yall up to date on my life. Well it's early 1732 and I’m already in trouble with my Country’s Government. Well not to long ago I returned from my Exile in 1729 to Paris and I decided to actually write that book I talked about on my 2nd post. I knew it was risky due to the fact that I would be praising England and not France. But what do they expect I’ve spent a lot of life in Prison and Exilment thanks to my Country, France! Well yeah I wrote a book praising English customs and institutions. According to the judge it was interpreted as criticism of the French government and I’m being forced to leave Paris again! I am a guy who isn’t afraid to say what I believe and think, but France’s government is against this. I say this to all people who have something to say,” I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." I believe we all should have the freedom to say what we want about who we want.

My Young Hood

Well today I thought about filling you guys in with what my early life was like and answering some questions about my young hood. I received my education at "Louis-le-Grand," a Jesuit college in Paris from 1704-11. From 1711 to 1713 I studied law, and then worked as a secretary to the French ambassador in Holland before devoting myself entirely to writing. I am the youngest of the three surviving children of my parents. My dad is François Arouet and my mother is Marie Marguerite Daumand. My mother died when I was seven years old, and I developed a close relationship with my godfather, a free-thinker. My family belonged to the upper-middle-class, and I was able to receive an excellent education. A clever child I was, as I displayed an astonishing talent for poetry and developed a love of the theater and literature. And that’s basically what my early life consisted of.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Me scoring on “Chevalier De Rohan” :P

Hello guys it’s me Voltaire writing another blog on what’s up currently in my life. Well the year is 1727, and I am blogging from the beautiful country of England. You may be asking why I’m here and not in my hometown Paris.. Well I insulted the powerful young nobleman, "Chevalier De Rohan," in 1726 and was given two options: imprisonment or exile. I chose to be exiled from 1726 to 1729 and I will have to live in England till that date. During my time in England so far, I have been attracted to the philosophy of the genius, John Locke and ideas of mathematician and scientist, Sir Isaac Newton. During my free time I have been studying England's Constitutional Monarchy and its religious tolerance, which I believe is quiet great. One of the things that are particularly interesting to me is the philosophical rationalism of this time, and the study of the natural sciences. I feel like writing a book to let the world know how good England is, but I am still not for sure.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

1717 Goin To jail for The First Time!!!!

1717, Bastille Jail!!
What’s up guys, it’s me Francois Marie Arouet and I wanted to let yall now that today has been a very awful day because I was sentenced to go to jail for writing and talking trash about the French Government. Even though I admit I was having fun writing about them and seeing how people laughed as well, I sort of regret it now that I’m in the same cell with these buff gangsta's. Well I’m going to spend 11 months of my life here in Bastille, according to the judge for doing this crime. I think I’m goin to use this time wisely and begin writing a theatrical play which will hopefully be my first success in this category, I’m thinking about calling it, "Oedipe". I hope this time in here will allow me to start a new me so I’ve decided to start calling myself Voltaire. Aite guys well ill be posting more stuff about my life so make sure you keep reading.
Heres my mugshot!!