Monday, January 21, 2013

Gettin in Trouble once again XD

What’s up fellow blog viewers it’s me Voltaire, and I’m juss keepin yall up to date on my life. Well it's early 1732 and I’m already in trouble with my Country’s Government. Well not to long ago I returned from my Exile in 1729 to Paris and I decided to actually write that book I talked about on my 2nd post. I knew it was risky due to the fact that I would be praising England and not France. But what do they expect I’ve spent a lot of life in Prison and Exilment thanks to my Country, France! Well yeah I wrote a book praising English customs and institutions. According to the judge it was interpreted as criticism of the French government and I’m being forced to leave Paris again! I am a guy who isn’t afraid to say what I believe and think, but France’s government is against this. I say this to all people who have something to say,” I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." I believe we all should have the freedom to say what we want about who we want.

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