Monday, January 21, 2013

My Young Hood

Well today I thought about filling you guys in with what my early life was like and answering some questions about my young hood. I received my education at "Louis-le-Grand," a Jesuit college in Paris from 1704-11. From 1711 to 1713 I studied law, and then worked as a secretary to the French ambassador in Holland before devoting myself entirely to writing. I am the youngest of the three surviving children of my parents. My dad is François Arouet and my mother is Marie Marguerite Daumand. My mother died when I was seven years old, and I developed a close relationship with my godfather, a free-thinker. My family belonged to the upper-middle-class, and I was able to receive an excellent education. A clever child I was, as I displayed an astonishing talent for poetry and developed a love of the theater and literature. And that’s basically what my early life consisted of.

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