Sunday, January 20, 2013

Me scoring on “Chevalier De Rohan” :P

Hello guys it’s me Voltaire writing another blog on what’s up currently in my life. Well the year is 1727, and I am blogging from the beautiful country of England. You may be asking why I’m here and not in my hometown Paris.. Well I insulted the powerful young nobleman, "Chevalier De Rohan," in 1726 and was given two options: imprisonment or exile. I chose to be exiled from 1726 to 1729 and I will have to live in England till that date. During my time in England so far, I have been attracted to the philosophy of the genius, John Locke and ideas of mathematician and scientist, Sir Isaac Newton. During my free time I have been studying England's Constitutional Monarchy and its religious tolerance, which I believe is quiet great. One of the things that are particularly interesting to me is the philosophical rationalism of this time, and the study of the natural sciences. I feel like writing a book to let the world know how good England is, but I am still not for sure.

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